CAPO Accounting – Our 9 Step Process

We are not your average accountants. Our process is collaborative and our focus is on YOU, the client. Here we break down our step process of exactly how we work with you and help you get the most out of our business.

No 1. Working out your goals

In order for your business to deliver any results, you need to define what your goals are. This is where we can help:

– Using goal setting tools and processes, we can help you articulate and document your business and personal goals.

– We will help you calculate your personal financial position. This can then be used to identify how much money you currently have and how much you need.

– Calculating your personal financial position requires an up-to-date valuation of your business which we can help you with if you don’t already have one.

No 2. Developing a business plan

Having identified your goals, you will then need a business plan to detail how to move forward.

– We will create a business plan for you which will include forecasts and budgets.

– These will set out exactly what you aim to earn, spend, invest and achieve and the implications of it all for your cashflow.

– The implications must be carefully analysed to ensure that it can all be afforded and funded.

No 3. Measuring your performance

Once budgets and forecasts have been created, we will need to measure your performance, and compare it to your targets.

– We will help you measure all the key things that really matter by producing a ‘One Page Plan’ for you.

– That plan will highlight the gaps between your actual performance and your targets, and help you create an action plan for closing those gaps

No 4. Producing your annual accounts

Every business is required by law to produce annual accounts that are accurate and comply with all the relevant rules and regulations.

As your accountant, we will do the following for you:

– Produce fully compliant accounts – ensuring that you stay within all the rules and deadlines.

– Audit your accounts to make sure they are true and fair – giving you the peace of mind.

– Make it all easy for you – our ChangeEasy package will make the transition smooth and painless.

– Train your key team members to be even better at interpreting and using the numbers in your accounts.

No 5. Analysing your results

You can only really judge performance by comparing it to:

– Targets

– Previous months and years, and

– Others in your industry

We can carry out a Financial Performance Review for you – and produce a report that: Identifies the trends in all your key numbers and ratios over the last 5 years:

– Presents the findings as colourful graphs

– Contains a Plain English explanation of what it all means, and

– Does sensitivity analysis to calculate how much more successful and profitable you could be.

No 6. Compare to your competition

Benchmarking your performance against others in your industry to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

We can use these results to:

– Discover how much gross and net profit your competitors are really making

– See how your business compares

– Understand the specific areas of your strengths

– Identify the specific areas where your competitors are doing better and learning from what others are doing in those areas

– Estimate how much extra profit the evidence suggests you can claw back

– With these results you can discover where to focus your efforts and create an action plan

No 7. Discover your business worth

How much is your business actually worth?

We can take account of your latest performance, along with the most up-to-date market information and insights, to value your business.

We can do this for you every year, so that you always have your finger on the pulse, or we can do it for you less often if you prefer.

No 8. Improvement potential

How much better could your business be doing?

The next step is to use the information previously gathered to work out how much better you could be doing.

By estimating your improvement potential you will know what is at stake – for example:

– How much you stand to gain if you take action

– How much you will miss out on if you don’t take action

No 9. Developing an action plan 

Nothing changes unless something changes so the final step is to develop and implement an action plan.

The action plan will be based on everything that you have learned in the previous steps:

Step 1. Your goals, objectives and targets

Step 2. Your business plan and forecasts

Step 3+4. How well the business achieving those targets

Step 5. The trends in your performance

Step 6. Your performance against others in your industry

Step 7. How much your business is worth for the owners

Step 8. What your improvement potential is

So this is how we plan to work with you, to help you get the most out of your business worth.

If you want to find out more about this and want to chat about further, please get in touch on 07799 435 922 or email

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